Saturday, December 4, 2021

✨ Post 8: English Language Challenges ✨

 Hi everyone!

This is the last time you will read my greetings. Sometimes I felt like this semester wasn’t going to end never, but now we are a few weeks away from a new year, and this is why I started to think about how was my year. Talking about this subject, definitely I can say that it was so useful! At the beginning I felt nervous because I never had the opportunity to learn English using the method we use here. In this subject I had to leave my comfort zone, and getting involve in a more realistic practice.

If I had to mention something I’m still weak, without doubt it would be my “mental alertness”. By this I mean to think less and speak more, because sometimes I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake, so I ended up losing a lot of opportunities to practice my English. Of course I know mistakes are part of the process, but still I feel like that. Anyway, to fix it I plain to join an English practice server maybe on Discord or some other websites related to the same thing.

In general, English has allowed me to access much more information for my college projects. This year, when I had to search about something, I feel so much fluent in the understanding of the language. Also I feel less dependent to translators.

From now on, my goal is to get certified. I want to continue studying and practicing so that one day be able to have a fluent conversation with a native English person.

Friday, November 26, 2021

✨Post 7: Changes to my study programme ✨

 Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk to you about the vision I have of my study programme. When I think on it, maybe the first thing that comes to mind is the idea of generality. Depending on how you look at this characteristic, it can be either good or bad, because in this context you could understand it as “something integral”, or maybe like “something without a purpose”. I’m in favour of the first idea. But well, each one of us is free to think what they want.

Independent of the previous idea, I should mention that the curriculum has changed. It’s supposed that my generation is the last with the old one. At least to me, I had a good experience, maybe not the best I could, knowing the actual situation. I joined this career only because of Botany, so it’s sad that we lost all the practical experiences. Before started the career, its length sounded pretty good, but now that we have lost two years of important experiences, it would be good if we could recover them in some manner. Therefore, If I could change something about the study program, it would be to include more practices since first year.

Talking about teaching methods, I must admit that I’m bored of the PPT's. I can feel how all my energy goes out of my body with the advance of every slide. So, I would like to have most dynamic experiences such as hybrid on-line classes. Despite all, I’m excited to know that all my effort forges my path, and I want to believe that all this situation will end someday.

Friday, November 19, 2021

✨Post 6: Time travel in the future ✨

 Hi everyone!

Today I will talk to you about a curious topic: Where I would like to travel in the future? Well, actually my request is very simple: I really want to be on holidays. I would like to be there because of two simple reasons: First, I am tired about everything. I am really felling the end of the year because my tests and projects increase exponentially daily, and it would be really good if I only could wake up knowing that I have nothing to do. My body needs to leave the comfort zone after being locked up in my room due to college projects. I swear, If I have a chance to travel to future, I wouldn’t touch the computer ever.

Secondly, I have been thinking about my wish to travel far away when holidays arrive. Some days my mind is full of travel plans. To where? I had no idea, anywhere. I have been thinking on the furthest North because I have a good friend there, and it would be interesting because I have never been there. Also, it would be great to have time for exploring the South.

In short, there is just one month and a half between my dream and me, so I guess it will be better if I wait for it peacefully, trying to treasure the few free moments.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

✨Post 4: My future job✨

Hi everyone!

Today I will talk to you about the future job I would like to do. First of all, I don’t know exactly what I want to do in future. Since I have lived in countryside my whole life, most likely I will continue working in this kind of areas. And in fact, that’s what I would like to do because I’m pretty adapted to the slow pace of living here, and I can’t imagine me working in the middle of a noisy city.

A rough idea of my dream job would be to support farming communities offering them green options, teaching about environment care, and of course, orienting them in case of any problem they could have. I can clearly see me in this kind of job. I imagine it in contact with nature, in which I can talk with a lot of people and learn about their culture. Definitely, I wouldn’t like to work in an office. I want to take action outdoor, and even if I would like to travel a lot, maybe is not all that important for me (as long as I have time to do it anyway).

Now I’m studying Natural Resources Engineering, and I think the integrity of this major will surely help me to fulfil what I dream.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Post 4: A funny moment of my childhood

Reference image of my childhood

Hi everyone! Today I’ll talk to you about a funny moment of my childhood. A certain day 15 years ago, our family decided to have a picnic. Because all of them were boring adults, nobody wanted to play with me. Investigating what a 4-year-old kid could do in that situation, I saw a dog. We looked at each other with an expression of mutual defiance. 

(Please open this link before continuing

Like a genuine western duel, with all our honour at stake, we started running. The persecution lasted around 30 minutes. First, I went after him. He made evasive manoeuvres running in circles. Then I ran away from him using the best technique I had in those times: to run on my tiptoes. Sadly, my weak point was my habit of looking back while running. So, when a rosebush appeared in front of me, I ran straight into it. Of course, the dog stopped immediately, but I impacted with all my body on the thorns. My dad ran towards me, and the dog won by default.    

Finally, after crying for a while due to my battle wounds, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to sneak into the choreography from unknown persons and dance like there’s no tomorrow. Therefore, dear reader, remember never look back while running. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

✨Post 3: My hobbies✨

Hi everyone! Today I’ll talk to you about some of my hobbies. In general, because I get bored very easily, I’m always searching for new activities to do. Last summer I started to learn to draw using watercolours, and I loved it. Before that I hated to draw because I thought it was a stressful activity. Maybe I thought that because I didn’t like the art’s teacher at my school. But when I tried to learn by myself, I found it interesting. Also, I learned
knitting from my mother, and embroidering by myself. I have a lot of incomplete projects that someday I will continue. Sadly, now I don’t have enough time for these three activities.

But by far, my favourite hobby is dancing. I have danced since I was seven years old. Now I train every Saturday with a folk-dance group of my city. Pandemic didn’t stop us. We had online classes where we studied about the different cultures of our country. Nowadays we are doing in-person classes using face masks, which is so uncomfortable while dancing, but I’m happy to continue doing what I like.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

✨Post 2: My best holidays✨

 Hi everyone!

Today I’ll talk to you about the best holidays of my life. First of all, you have to know that I’m not a person who travels very often. For this reason, the field trip of my last year of school is so meaningful for me. It was in December 2019. We went to several towns and villages in the south of Chile: Panguipulli, Licanray, Niebla, Pucón, and Valdivia. Also, we visited Calafquén Lake and Pirihueico Lake. Without a doubt, landscapes were stunning there. I took like two or three thousand photos during this one-week trip.

My favourite activity was visiting Huilo Huilo Reserve. I loved walking through the peaceful forests while listening different kind of birds, and the weak sound of water getting louder, until I was in front of majestic waterfalls. Nevertheless, the best part of the trip was the beautiful memories I made with my friends daily, from breakfast in the mornings, to the night secret parties in our cabin, singing, playing, and talking about our life and future. Sometimes I miss so much those days.

✨ Post 8: English Language Challenges ✨

 Hi everyone! This is the last time you will read my greetings. Sometimes I felt like this semester wasn’t going to end never, but now we ...